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Version: 1.2

Migration guide

To see the biggest differences please consult the changelog.

In version 1.2.0

Configuration changes

  • #2483 COUNTS_URL environment variable is not INFLUXDB_URL, without query path part.
  • #2493 kafka configuration should be moved to components provider configuration - look at components.kafka in dev-application.conf for example
  • #2624 Default name for process tag is now scenario. This affects metrics and count functionalities. Please update you Flink/Telegraf setup accordingly (see nussknacker-quickstart for details). If you still want to use process tag (e.g. you have a lot of dashboards), please set countsSettings.metricsConfig.scenarioTag setting to process Also, dashboard links format changed, see documentation for the details.
  • #2645 Default models: genericModel.jar, liteModel.jar. were merged to defaultModel.jar, managementSample.jar was renamed to devModel.jar. If you use defaultModel.jar it's important to include flinkExecutor.jar explicitly on model classpath.

Scenario authoring changes

  • #2564 Flink union now takes only 'Output expression' parameters for branches (previously 'value' parameter), output variable must be of the same type, if you want to distinguish source branch in output variable please use map variable, example in Basic Nodes docs.

Other changes

  • #2554 Maven artifact nussknacker-kafka-flink-util become nussknacker-flink-kafka-util and nussknacker-avro-flink-util become nussknacker-flink-avro-util. General naming convention is nussknacker-$runtimeType-$moduleName. Components inside distribution changed layout to components(/$runtimeType)/componentName.jar e.g. components/flink/kafka.jar or components/openapi.jarKafkaSource become FlinkKafkaSource, ConsumerRecordBasedKafkaSource become FlinkConsumerRecordBasedKafkaSource, KafkaSink become FlinkKafkaSink, KafkaAvroSink become FlinkKafkaAvroSink
  • #2535, #2625, #2645 Rename standalone to request-response:
    • Renamed modules and artifacts
    • StandaloneMetaData is now RequestResponseMetaData
    • Move request-response modules to base dir.
    • standalone in package names changed to requestresponse
    • Standalone in class/variable names changed to RequestResponse
    • DeploymentManager/Service uses dedicated format of status DTO, instead of the ones from deployment-manager-api
    • Removed old, deprecated jarPath settings, in favour of classPath used in other places
    • Extracted nussknacker-lite-request-response-components module
  • #2582 KafkaUtils.toProducerProperties setup only basic properties now (bootstrap.servers and serializers) - before the change it was setting options which are not always good choice (for transactional producers wasn't)
  • #2600 ScenarioInterpreter, ScenarioInterpreterWithLifecycle now takes additional generic parameter: Input. ScenarioInterpreter.invoke takes ScenarioInputBatch which now contains list of SourceId -> Input instead of SourceId -> Context. Logic of Context preparation should be done in LiteSource instead of before ScenarioInterpreter.invoke. invocation It means that LiteSource also takes this parameter and have a new method createTransformation.
  • #2635 ContextInitializer.initContext now takes ContextIdGenerator instead of nodeId and returns just a function with strategy of context initialization instead of serializable function with Lifecycle. To use it with Flink engine, use FlinkContextInitializingFunction wrapper.
  • #2649 DeploymentManagerProvider takes new ProcessingTypeDeploymentService class as an implicit parameter
  • #2564 'UnionParametersMigration' available to migrate parameter name from 'value' to 'Output expression' - please turn it on you are using 'union' like component
  • #2645 Simplify structure of available models (implementations of ProcessConfigCreator). defaultModel.jar and components should be used instead of custom implementations of ProcessConfigCreator, the only exception is when one wants to customize ExpressionConfig. Also, nussknacker-flink-engine module became nussknacker-flink-executor.
  • #2651 ValidationContext.clearVariables now clears also parent reference. Important when invoked inside fragments.
  • #2673 KafkaZookeeperUtils renamed to KafkaTestUtils, it doesn't depend on ZooKeeper anymore.
  • #2686 ServiceWithStaticParameters renamed to EagerServiceWithStaticParameters.
  • #2695 nodeId replaced with NodeComponentInfo in NuExceptionInfo. Simple wrapper class which holds the same nodeId and also componentInfo. Migration is straightforward, just put nodeId into the new case class:
    • NuExceptionInfo(None, exception, context) => stays the same
    • NuExceptionInfo(Some(nodeId), exception, context) => NuExceptionInfo(Some(NodeComponentInfo(nodeId, None)), exception, context)
      • if an exception is thrown inside the component, additional information can be provided:
        • for base component (like filter or split): NodeComponentInfo.forBaseNode("nodeId", ComponentType.Filter)
        • for other: NodeComponentInfo("nodeId", ComponentInfo("kafka-avro-source", ComponentType.Source))
    • The same migration has to be applied to ExceptionHandler.handling() method.
  • #2824 'ProcessSplitterMigration' available to migrate node name from 'split' to 'for-each' (see #2781)- please turn it on if you are using 'split' component

In version 1.1.0



  • A lot of internal refactoring was made to separate code/API specific for Flink. If your deployment has custom components pay special attention to:
    • Lifecycle management
    • Kafka components
    • Differences in artifacts and packages
  • Some of the core dependencies: cats, cats-effect and circe were upgraded. It affects mainly code, but it may also have impact on state compatibility and performance.
  • Default Flink version was bumped do 1.14 - see on how to run Nu on older Flink versions.
  • Execution of SpEL expressions is now checked more strictly, due to security considerations. These checks can be overridden with custom ExpressionConfig.
  • Apart from that:
    • minor configuration naming changes
    • removal of a few of minor, not documented features (e.g. SQL Variable)
  • #2208 Upgrade, cats, cats-effects, circe. An important nuisance: we didn't upgrade sttp, so we cannot depend on "com.softwaremill.sttp.client" %% "circe". Instead, the code is copied. Make sure you don't include sttp-circe integration as transitive dependency, but use class from http-utils instead.
  • #2176 EnrichDeploymentWithJarDataFactory was replaced with ProcessConfigEnricher.
  • #2278 SQL Variable is removed
  • #2280 Added optional defaultValue field to Parameter. In GenericNodeTransformation can be set to None - values will be determined automatically.
  • #2289 Savepoint path in /api/adminProcessManagement/deploy endpoint is passed as a savepointPath parameter instead of path segment.
  • #2293 Enhancement: change nodeCategoryMapping configuration to componentsGroupMapping
  • #2301 #2620 GenericNodeTransformation.initialParameters was removed - now GenericNodeTransformation.contextTransformation is used instead. To make Admin tab -> Invoke service form working, use WithLegacyStaticParameters trait
  • #2409 JsonValidator is now not determined by default based on JsonParameterEditor but must be explicitly defined by @JsonValidator annotation
  • #2304 Upgrade to Flink 1.14. Pay attention to Flink dependencies - in some (e.g. runtime) there is no longer scala version.
  • #2295 FlinkLazyParameterFunctionHelper allows (and sometimes requires) correct exception handling
  • #2307 Changed nussknacker-kafka module name to nussknacker-kafka-util
  • #2310 Changed nussknacker-process module name to nussknacker-flink-engine
  • #2300 #2343 Enhancement: refactor and improvements at components group:
    • Provided ComponentGroupName as VO
    • SingleNodeConfig was renamed to SingleComponentConfig and moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.component
    • Configuration category in node configuration was replaced by componentGroup
    • Configuration nodes in model configuration was replaced by componentsUiConfig
    • Additional refactor: ProcessToolbarService moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.service package to pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process
    • Additional refactor: ProcessToolbarService moved from pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.service package to pl.touk.nussknacker.ui.process
    • DefinitionPreparer was renamed to ComponentDefinitionPreparer
    • NodesConfigCombiner was removed
    • REST API /api/processDefinitionData/* response JSON was changed:
      • nodesToAdd was renamed to componentGroups
      • posibleNode was renamed to components
      • nodesConfig was renamed to componentsConfig
      • config icon property from componentsConfig right now should be relative to http.publicPath e.g. /assets/components/Filter.svg (before was just Filter.svg) or url (with http / https)
  • #2346 Remove endResult from Sink in graph.
    • Sink no longer defines testOutput method - they should be handled by respective implementations
    • Change in definition of StandaloneSink previously StandaloneSinkWithParameters, as output always has to be computed with sink parameters now
    • Changes in definition of FlinkSink, to better handle capturing test data
    • Removal of .sink method in GraphBuilder - use .emptySink if suitable
  • #2331
    • KafkaAvroBaseTransformer companion object renamed to KafkaAvroBaseComponentTransformer
    • KryoGenericRecordSchemaIdSerializationSupport renamed to GenericRecordSchemaIdSerializationSupport
  • #2305 Enhancement: change processingTypeToDashboard configuration to scenarioTypeToDashboard
  • #2296 Scenarios & Fragments have separate TypeSpecificData implementations. Also, we remove isSubprocess field from process json, and respectively from MetaData constructor. See corresponding db migration V1_031__FragmentSpecificData.scala
  • #2368 WithCategories now takes categories as an Option[List[String]] instead of List[String]. You should wrap given list of categories with Some(...). None mean that component will be available in all categories.
  • #2360 union, union-memo and dead-end components were extracted from model/genericModel.jar to components/baseComponents.jar If you have your own application.conf which changes scenarioTypes, you should add "components/baseComponents.jar" entry into classPath array
  • #2337 Extract base engine from standalone
    • Common functionality of base engine (i.e. microservice based, without Flink) is extracted to base-api and base-runtime
    • new API for custom components (pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.baseengine.api.customComponentTypes)
    • StandaloneProcessInterpreter becomes StandaloneScenarioEngine
    • Replace Either[NonEmptyList[Error], _] with ValidatedNel[Error, _] as return type
    • StandaloneContext becomes EngineRuntimeContext
  • #2349 queryable-state module was removed, FlinkQueryableClient was moved to nussknacker-flink-manager. PrettyValidationErrors, CustomActionRequest and CustomActionResponse moved from nussknacker-ui to nussknacker-restmodel.
  • #2361 Removed security dependency from listener-api. LoggedUser replaced with dedicated class in listener-api.
  • #2385 Deprecated CustomStreamTransformer.clearsContext was removed. Use
def execute(...) =
.definedBy(ctx => Valid(ctx.clearVariables ...))


  • #2348 #2459 #2486#2490 #2496 #2536 Introduce KafkaDeserializationSchema and KafkaSerializationSchema traits to decouple from flink dependency. move KeyedValue to nussknacker-util, move SchemaRegistryProvider to utils/avro-util To move between nussknacker's/flink's Kafka(De)serializationSchema use wrapToFlink(De)serializatioinSchema from FlinkSerializationSchemaConversions. SchemaRegistryProvider and ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider is now in nussknacker-avro-util module. FlinkSourceFactory is gone - use SourceFactory instead. KafkaSourceFactory, KafkaAvroSourceFactory, KafkaSinkFactory, KafkaAvroSinkFactory, and ContextIdGenerator not depends on flink. Extracted KafkaSourceImplFactory, KafkaSinkImplFactory and KafkaAvroSinkImplFactory which deliver implementation of component (after all validations and parameters evaluation). Use respectively: FlinkKafkaSourceImplFactory, FlinkKafkaSinkImplFactory and FlinkKafkaAvroSinkImplFactory to deliver flink implementations. Moved non-flink specific serializers, deserializers, BestEffortAvroEncoder, ContextIdGenerators and RecordFormatters to kafka-util/avro-util KafkaDelayedSourceFactory is now DelayedKafkaSourceFactory. FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper moved to RecordFormatterFactory
  • #2477 FlinkContextInitializer and FlinkGenericContextInitializer merged to ContextInitializer, BasicFlinkContextInitializer and BasicFlinkGenericContextInitializer merged to BasicContextInitializer. All of them moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.process package. ContextInitializer.validationContext returns ValidatedNel - before this change errors during context initialization weren't accumulated. ContextInitializingFunction now is a scala's function instead of Flink's MapFunction. You should wrap it with RichLifecycleMapFunction to make sure that it will be opened correctly by Flink. InputMeta was moved to kafka-util module.
  • #2389 #2391 deployment-manager-api module was extracted and DeploymentManagerProvider, ProcessingTypeData and QueryableClient was moved from interpreter into it. DeploymentManager, CustomAction and ProcessState was moved from api to deployment-manager-api. ProcessingType was moved to rest-model package.
  • #2393 Added ActorSystem, ExecutionContext and SttpBackend into DeploymentManagerProvider.createDeploymentManager. During clean ups also was removed nussknacker-http-utils dependency to async-http-client-backend-future and added SttpBackend to CountsReporterCreator.createReporter arguments.
  • #2397 Common EngineRuntimeContext lifecycle and MetricsProvider. This may cause runtime consequences - make sure your custom services/listeners invoke open/close correctly - especially in complex inheritance scenarios.
    • Lifecycle has now EngineRuntimeContext as parameter, JobData is embedded in it.
    • TimeMeasuringService replaces GenericTimeMeasuringService, Flink/Standalone flavours of TimeMeasuringService are removed
    • EngineRuntimeContext and MetricsProvider moved to base API, RuntimeContextLifecycle moved to base API as Lifecycle
    • GenericInstantRateMeter is now InstantRateMeter
    • Flink RuntimeContextLifecycle should be replaced in most cases by Lifecycle
    • In Flink engine MetricsProvider (obtained with EngineRuntimeContext) should be used in most places instead of MetricUtils
  • #2486 Context.withInitialId is deprecated now - use EngineRuntimeContext.contextIdGenerator instead. EngineRuntimeContext can be accessible via FlinkCustomNodeContext.convertToEngineRuntimeContext
  • #2377 #2534 Removed clazz from SourceFactory. Remove generic parameter from Source and SourceFactory. Return type of source should be returned either by:
    • returnType field of @MethodToInvoke
    • ContextTransformation API
    • GenericNodeTransformer API
    • SourceFactory.noParam
  • #2453 Custom actions for PeriodicDeploymentManager now can be defined and implemented outside this class, in PeriodicCustomActionsProvider created by PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory. If you do not need them, just pass PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory.noOp to object's PeriodicDeploymentManager factory method.
  • #2501 nussknacker-baseengine-components module renamed to nussknacker-lite-base-components
  • #2221 ReflectUtils fixedClassSimpleNameWithoutParentModule renamed to simpleNameWithoutSuffix
  • #2495 TypeSpecificDataInitializer trait change to TypeSpecificDataInitializ
  • 2245 FailedEvent has been specified in FailedOnDeployEvent and FailedOnRunEvent

In version 1.0.0

  • #1439 #2090 Upgrade do Flink 1.13.
    • setTimeCharacteristic is deprecated, and should be handled automatically by Flink.
    • UserClassLoader was removed, use appropriate Flink objects or context ClassLoader.
    • RocksDB configuration is turned on by rocksdb.enable instead of rocksdb.checkpointDataUri which is not used now.
  • #2133 SQL Variable is hidden in generic model, please look at comment in defaultModelConfig.conf
  • #2152 schedulePropertyExtractor parameter of PeriodicDeploymentManagerProvider was changed to a factory, replace with a lambda creating the original property extractor.
  • #2159 useTypingResultTypeInformation option is now enabled by default
  • #2108 Changes in ClassExtractionSettings:
    • Refactor of classes defining extraction rules,
    • TypedClass has private apply method, please use Typed.typedClass
    • Fewer classes/methods are accessible in SpEL, in particular Scala collections, internal time API, methods returning or having parameters from excluded classes
  • Changes in OAuth2 security components:
    • refactoring of OpenIdConnectService, now it's named GenericOidcService (it's best to use OidcService, which can handle most of the configuration automatically)
  • New security settings, in particular new flags in ExpressionConfig:
    • strictMethodsChecking
    • staticMethodInvocationsChecking
    • methodExecutionForUnknownAllowed
    • dynamicPropertyAccessAllowed
    • spelExpressionExcludeList
  • #2101 Global permissions can be arbitrary string, for admin user it's not necessary to return global permissions
  • #2182 To avoid classloader leaks during SQL DriverManager registration, HSQLDB (used e.g. for SQL Variable) is no longer included in model jars, it should be added in Flink lib dir

In version 0.4.0

  • #1479 ProcessId and VersionId moved to API included in ProcessVersion, remove spurious ProcessId and ProcessVersionId in restmodel.

  • #1422 Removed ServiceReturningType and WithExplicitMethod, use EagerServiceWithStaticParameters, EnricherContextTransformation or SingleInputGenericNodeTransformation

  • #1845 AuthenticatorData has been renamed to AuthenticationResources and changed into a trait, apply construction has been preserved. AuthenticatorFactory and its createAuthenticator method has been renamed to AuthenticationProvider and createAuthenticationResources. It is recommended to rename the main class of any custom authentication module to <Something>AuthenticationProvider accordingly.

  • #1542 KafkaConfig now has new parameter topicsExistenceValidationConfig. When topicsExistenceValidationConfig.enabled = true Kafka sources/sinks do not validate if provided topic does not exist and cluster is configured with auto.create.topics.enable=false

  • #1416 OAuth2Service has changed. You can still use your old implementation by importing OAuth2OldService with an alias. OAuth2ServiceFactory.create method now accepts implicit parameters for an ExecutionContext and sttp.HttpBackend. You can ignore them to maintain previous behaviour, but it is always better to use them instead of locally defined ones.

  • #1346 AggregatorFunction now takes type of stored state that can be immutable.SortedMap (previous behaviour) or java.util.Map (using Flink's serialization) and validatedStoredType parameter for providing better TypeInformation for aggregated values

  • #1343 FirstAggregator changed serialized state, it is not compatible, Aggregator trait has new method computeStoredType

  • #1352 and #1568 AvroStringSettings class has been introduced, which allows control whether Avro type string is represented by java.lang.String (also in runtime) or java.lang.CharSequence (implemented in runtime by org.apache.avro.util.Utf8). This setting is available through environment variable AVRO_USE_STRING_FOR_STRING_TYPE - default is true. Please mind that this setting is global - it applies to all processes running on Flink and also requires restarting TaskManager when changing the value.

  • #1361 Lazy variables are removed, you should use standard enrichers for those cases. Their handling has been source of many problems and they made it harder to reason about the exeuction of process.

  • #1373 Creating ClassLoaderModelData directly is not allowed, use ModelData.apply with plain config, wrapping with ModelConfigToLoad by yourself is not needed.

  • #1406 ServiceReturningType is deprecated in favour of EagerService

  • #1445 RecordFormatter now handles TestDataSplit for Kafka sources. It is required in KafkaSource creation, instead of TestDataSplit

  • #1433 Pass DeploymentData to process via JobData, additional parameters to deployment methods are needed. Separate ExternalDeploymentId from DeploymentId (generated by NK)

  • #1466 ProcessManager.deploy can return ExternalDeploymentId

  • #1464

    • Slight change of API of StringKeyedValueMapper
    • Change of semantics of some parameters of AggregatorFunction, AggregatorFunctionMixin (storedAggregateType becomes aggregateElementType)
  • #1405 'KafkaAvroSink' requires more generic 'AvroSinkValue' as value parameter

  • #1510

    • Change of FlinkSource API: sourceStream produces stream of initialized Context (DataStream[Context]) This initialization step was previously performed within FlinkProcessRegistrar.registerSourcePart. Now it happens explicitly within the flink source.
    • FlinkIntermediateRawSource is used as an extension to flink sources, it prepares source with typical stream transformations (add source function, set uid, assign timestamp, initialize Context)
    • FlinkContextInitializer is used to initialize Context. It provides map function that transforms raw event (produced by flink source function) into Context variable. Default implementation of FlinkContextInitializer, see BasicFlinkContextInitializer, sets raw event value to singe "input" variable.
    • For sources based on GenericNodeTransformation it allows to initialize Context with more than one variable. Default implementation of initializer, see BasicFlinkGenericContextInitializer, provides default definition of variables as a ValidationContext with single "input" variable. The implementation requires to provide separately the definition of "input" variable type (TypingResult). See GenericSourceWithCustomVariablesSample.
    • To enable "test source" functionality, a source needs to be extended with SourceTestSupport.
    • For flink sources that use TestDataParserProvider switch to FlinkSourceTestSupport (which is used to provide "test source" functionality for flink sources).
    • Old TestDataParserProvider is renamed to SourceTestSupport
    • To enable test data generator for "test source" , a source needs to be extended with both SourceTestSupport and TestDataGenerator. What was related to "test source" functionality and was obsolete in FlinkSource now is excluded to FlinkSourceTestSupport.
    • FlinkCustomNodeContext has access to TypeInformationDetection, it allows to get TypeInformation for the node stream mapping from ValidationContext.
    • For kafka sources RecordFormatter parses raw test data to ConsumerRecord which fits into deserializer (instead of ProducerRecord that required another transformation).
    • Definitions of names of common Context variables are moved to VariableConstants (instead of Interpreter).
  • #1497 Changes in PeriodicProcessManager, change PeriodicProperty to ScheduleProperty

  • #1499

    • trait KafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory uses both key and value ClassTags and schemas (instead of value-only), check the order of parameters.
    • ClassTag is provided in params in avro key-value deserialization schema factory: KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory
    • BaseKafkaAvroSourceFactory is able to read both key and value schema determiner to build proper DeserializationSchema (support for keys is not fully introduced in this change)
  • #1514 ExecutionConfigPreparer has different method parameter - JobData, which has more info than previous parameters

  • #1532 TypedObjectTypingResult#fields uses now scala.collection.immutable.ListMap to keep fields order

  • #1546 StandaloneCustomTransformer now takes a list of Context objects, to process them in one go

  • #1557 Some classes from standalone engine were moved to standalone api to remove engine to (model) utils dependency: StandaloneContext, StandaloneContextLifecycle, MetricsProvider

  • #1558 FlinkProcessRegistrar takes configuration directly from FlinkProcessCompiler (this can affect some tests setup)

  • #1631 Introduction of nussknacker.config.locations property, drop use of standard config.file property. Model configuration no longer has direct access to root UI config.

  • #1512

    • Replaced KafkaSourceFactory with source based on GenericNodeTransformation, which gives access to setup of ValidationContext and Context initialization. To migrate KafkaSourceFactory:
      • provide deserializer factory (source factory requires deserialization to ConsumerRecord):
        • use ConsumerRecordDeserializationSchemaFactory with current DeserializationSchema as a value deserializer, add key deserializer (e.g. org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer)
        • or use FixedValueDeserializationSchemaFactory with simple key-as-string deserializer
      • provide RecordFormatterFactory
        • use ConsumerRecordToJsonFormatterFactory for whole key-value-and-metadata serialization
        • or, for value-only-and-without-metadata scenario, you can use current RecordFormater wrapped in FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper
      • provide timestampAssigner that is able to extract time from ConsumerRecord[K, V]
    • Removed BaseKafkaSourceFactory with multiple topics support: use KafkaSourceFactory instead, see "source with two input topics" test case
    • Removed SingleTopicKafkaSourceFactory: use KafkaSourceFactory with custom prepareInitialParameters, contextTransformation and extractTopics to alter parameter list and provide constant topic value.
    • TypingResultAwareTypeInformationCustomisation is moved to package pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.flink.api.typeinformation

    Example of source with value-only deserialization and custom timestampAssigner:

    // provide new deserializer factory with old schema definition for event's value
    val oldSchema = new EspDeserializationSchema[SampleValue](bytes => io.circe.parser.decode[SampleValue](new String(bytes)).right.get)
    val schemaFactory: KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]] = new FixedValueDeserializationSchemaFactory(oldSchema)

    // ... provide timestampAssigner that extracts timestamp from SampleValue.customTimestampField
    // ... or use event's metadata: record.timestamp()
    def timestampExtractor(record: ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]): Long = record.value().customTimestampField
    val watermarkHandler = StandardTimestampWatermarkHandler.boundedOutOfOrderness[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]](timestampExtractor, java.time.Duration.ofMinutes(10L))
    val timestampAssigner: Option[TimestampWatermarkHandler[ConsumerRecord[String, SampleValue]]] = Some(watermarkHandler)

    // ... provide RecordFormatterFactory that allows to generate and parse test data with key, headers and other metadata
    val formatterFactory: RecordFormatterFactory = new ConsumerRecordToJsonFormatterFactory[String, SampleValue]

    // ... and finally
    val sourceFactory = new KafkaSourceFactory[String, SampleValue](schemaFactory, timestampAssigner, formatterFactory, dummyProcessObjectDependencies)
  • #1651 KafkaAvroSourceFactory provides additional #inputMeta variable with event's metadata.

    • That source now has key and value type parameters. That parameters are relevant for sources handling SpecificRecords. For GenericRecords use explicitly KafkaAvroSourceFactory[Any, Any].
    • SpecificRecordKafkaAvroSourceFactory extends whole KafkaAvroSourceFactory with context validation and initialization
    • New flag in KafkaConfig: useStringForKey determines if event's key should be intepreted as ordinary String (which is default scenario). It is used in deserialization and for generating/parsing test data.
    • SchemaRegistryProvider now provides factories to produce SchemaRegistryClient and RecordFormatter.
    • For ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider KafkaConfig and ProcessObjectDependencies (that contains KafkaConfig data) are no longer required. That configuration is required by factories in the moment the creation of requested objects that happens in KafkaAvroSourceFactory (and that makes that all objects within KafkaAvroSourceFactory see the same kafka configuration).
    • Removed:
      • BaseKafkaAvroSourceFactory, the class is incorporated into KafkaAvroSourceFactory to provide elastic approach to create KafkaSource
      • with ReturningType for generic types (this is defined by ValidationContext, see also KafkaContextInitializer that allows to return more than one variable)
      • KafkaAvroValueDeserializationSchemaFactory (source requires deserialization to ConsumerRecord[K, V], there are only deserializers based on KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory)
      • ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory, use ConfluentKeyValueKafkaAvroDeserializationFactory
      • TupleAvroKeyValueKafkaAvroDeserializerSchemaFactory, this approach is deprecated due to #inputMeta variable that contains key data

    To migrate KafkaAvroSourceFactory:

    • Provide KafkaConfig with correct useStringForKey flag value. By default we want to EvictableStatehandle keys as ordinary String and all topics related to such config require only value schema definitions (key schemas are ignored). For specific scenario, when complex key with its own schema is provided, this flag is false and all topics related to this config require both key and value schema definitions. Example of default KafkaConfig override: override protected def prepareKafkaConfig: KafkaConfig = super.prepareKafkaConfig.copy(useStringForKey = false)
    • provide your own SchemaRegistryProvider (or use ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider)
    • custom RecordFormatter can be wrapped in FixedRecordFormatterFactoryWrapper (or keep ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatterFactory)
    • provide timestampAssigner that is able to extract time from ConsumerRecord[K, V] (see example above)
  • #1741 Minor changes in KafkaUtils, NonTransientException uses Instant instead of LocalDateTime

  • #1806 Remove old, deprecated API:

    • EvictableState, RichEvictableState - use EvictableStateFunction
    • checkpointInterval - use checkpointConfig.checkpointInterval
    • old versions of sampleTransformers - use newer ones
    • MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment.runningJobs() - use flinkMiniClusterHolder.runningJobs()
  • #1807 Removed jdbcServer, please use Postgres for production-ready setups

  • #1799

    • RecordFormatterFactory instead of one, uses two type parameters: K, V
    • ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter is produced by ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatterFactory
    • ConfluentAvroToJsonFormatter produces test data in valid json format, does not use Separator
    • ConfluentAvroMessageFormatter has asJson method instead of writeTo
    • ConfluentAvroMessageReader has readJson method instead of readMessage Example test data object:
  • #1663 Default FlinkExceptionHandler implementations are deprecated, use ConfigurableExceptionHandler instead.

  • #1731 RockDB config's flag incrementalCheckpoints is turned on by default.

  • #1825 Default dashboard renamed from flink-esp to nussknacker-scenario

  • #1836 Change default kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy to processId-nodeId.

  • #1357 Run mode added to nodes. ServiceInvoker interface was extended with new, implicit runMode parameter.

  • #1836 Change default kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy to processId-nodeId.

  • #1886 aggregate-sliding with emitWhenEventLeft = true, aggregate-tumbling and aggregate-session components now doesn't emit full context of variables that were before node (because of performance reasons and because that wasn't obvious which one context is emitted). If you want to emit some information other than aggregated value and key (availabled via new #key variable), you should use expression in aggregateBy.

  • #1910 processTypes renamed to scenarioTypes. You can still use old processTypes configuration. Old configuration will be removed in version 0.5.0.

  • Various naming changes:

    • #1917 configuration of engineConfig to deploymentConfig
    • #1921 ProcessManager to DeploymentManager
    • #1927 Rename outer-join to single-side-join

In version 0.3.0

  • #1313 Kafka Avro API passes KafkaConfig during TypeInformation determining

  • #1305 Kafka Avro API passes RuntimeSchemaData instead of Schema in various places

  • #1304 SerializerWithSpecifiedClass was moved to flink-api module.

  • #1044 Upgrade to Flink 1.11. Current watermark/timestamp mechanisms are deprectated in Flink 1.11, new API TimestampWatermarkHandler is introduced, with LegacyTimestampWatermarkHandler as wrapper for previous mechanisms.

  • #1244 Parameter has new parameter 'variablesToHide' with Set of variable names that will be hidden before parameter's evaluation

  • #1159 #1170 Changes in GenericNodeTransformation API:

    • Now implementation takes additional parameter with final state value determined during contextTransformation
    • DefinedLazyParameter and DefinedEagerParameter holds expression: TypedExpression instead of returnType: TypingResult
    • DefinedLazyBranchParameter and DefinedEagerBranchParameter holds expressionByBranchId: Map[String, TypedExpression] instead of returnTypeByBranchId: Map[String, TypingResult]
  • #1083

    • Now SimpleSlidingAggregateTransformerV2 and SlidingAggregateTransformer is deprecated in favour of SlidingAggregateTransformerV2
    • Now SimpleTumblingAggregateTransformer is deprecated in favour of TumblingAggregateTransformer
    • Now SumAggregator, MaxAggregator and MinAggregator doesn't change type of aggregated value (previously was changed to Double)
    • Now SumAggregator, MaxAggregator and MinAggregator return null instead of 0D/Double.MaxValue/Double.MinValue for case when there was no element added before getResult
  • #1149 FlinkProcessRegistrar refactor (can affect test code)

  • #1166 model.conf should be renamed to defaultModelConfig.conf

  • #1218 FlinkProcessManager is no longer bundled in ui uber-jar. In docker/tgz distribution

  • #1255 Moved displaying Metrics tab to customTabs

  • #1257 Improvements: Flink test util package

    • Added methods: cancelJob, submitJob, listJobs, runningJobs to FlinkMiniClusterHolder
    • Deprecated: runningJobs, from MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment
    • Removed: getClusterClient from FlinkMiniClusterHolder interface, because of flink compatibility at Flink 1.9
    • Renamed: FlinkStreamingProcessRegistrar to FlinkProcessManager
  • #1303 TypedObjectTypingResult has a new field: additionalInfo

In version 0.2.0

  • #1104 Creation of FlinkMiniCluster is now extracted from StoppableExecutionEnvironment. You should create it using e.g.:

    val flinkMiniClusterHolder = FlinkMiniClusterHolder(FlinkTestConfiguration.configuration(parallelism))

    and then create environment using:


    . At the end you should cleanup flinkMiniClusterHolder by:


    . FlinkMiniClusterHolder should be created once for test class - it is thread safe and resource expensive. MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment in the other hand should be created for each process. It is not thread safe because underlying StreamExecutionEnvironment is not. You can use FlinkSpec to achieve that.

  • #1077

    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.queryablestate.QueryableClient was moved from queryableState module to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.queryablestate package in api module
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.queryablestate.QueryableState was moved to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.queryablestate
    • CustomTransformers from pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.flink.util.transformer in flinkUtil module were moved to new flinkModelUtil module.
    • pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.testing.EmptyProcessConfigCreator was moved from interpreter module to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.util.process package in util module
  • #1039 Generic parameter of LazyParameter[T] has upper bound AnyRef now to avoid problems with bad type extraction. It caused changes Any to AnyRef in a few places - mainly FlinkLazyParameterFunctionHelper and FlinkCustomStreamTransformation

  • #1039 FlinkStreamingProcessRegistrar.apply has a new parameter of type ExecutionConfigPreparer. In production code you should pass ExecutionConfigPreparer.defaultChain() there and in test code you should pass ExecutionConfigPreparer.unOptimizedChain(). See scaladocs for more info. If you already have done some Flink's ExecutionConfig set up before you've registered process, you should consider create your own chain using ExecutionConfigPreparer.chain().

  • #1039 FlinkSourceFactory doesn't take TypeInformation type class as a generic parameter now. Instead of this, it takes ClassTag. TypeInformation is determined during source creation. typeInformation[T] method was moved from BasicFlinkSource to FlinkSource because still must be some place to determine it for tests purpose.

  • #965 'aggregate' node in generic model was renamed to 'aggregate-sliding'

  • #922 HealthCheck API has new structure, naming and json responses:

    • old /healthCheck is moved to /healthCheck/process/deployment
    • old /sanityCheck is moved to /healthCheck/process/validation
    • top level /healthCheck indicates general "app-is-running" state
  • #879 Metrics use variables by default, see docs to enable old mode, suitable for graphite protocol. To use old way of sending:

    • put globalParameters.useLegacyMetrics = true in each model configuration (to configure metrics sending in Flink)

    • put:

      countsSettings {
      user: ...
      password: ...
      influxUrl: ...
      metricsConfig {
      nodeCountMetric: "nodeCount.count"
      sourceCountMetric: "source.count"
      nodeIdTag: "action"
      countField: "value"

  • Introduction to KafkaAvro API: #871, #881, #903, #981, #989, #998, #1007, #1014, #1034, #1041

API for KafkaAvroSourceFactory was changed:

KafkaAvroSourceFactory old way:

val clientFactory = new SchemaRegistryClientFactory
val source = new KafkaAvroSourceFactory(
new AvroDeserializationSchemaFactory[GenericData.Record](clientFactory, useSpecificAvroReader = false),
processObjectDependencies = processObjectDependencies

KafkaAvroSourceFactory new way :

val schemaRegistryProvider = ConfluentSchemaRegistryProvider(processObjectDependencies)
val source = new KafkaAvroSourceFactory(schemaRegistryProvider, processObjectDependencies, None)

Provided new API for Kafka Avro Sink:

val kafkaAvroSinkFactory = new KafkaAvroSinkFactory(schemaRegistryProvider, processObjectDependencies)

Additional changes:

  • Bump up confluent package to 5.5.0
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Moved KafkaSourceFactory to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.kafka.sink package
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Changed BaseKafkaSourceFactory, now it requires deserializationSchemaFactory: KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory[T]
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Moved KafkaSinkFactory to pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.kafka.source package
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed SerializationSchemaFactory to KafkaSerializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed DeserializationSchemaFactory to KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed FixedDeserializationSchemaFactory to FixedKafkaDeserializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Renamed FixedSerializationSchemaFactory to FixedKafkaSerializationSchemaFactory
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Removed KafkaSerializationSchemaFactoryBase
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced KafkaKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactoryBase by KafkaAvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory (it handles only avro case now)
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Removed KafkaDeserializationSchemaFactoryBase
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced KafkaKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactoryBase by KafkaAvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory (it handles only avro case now)
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroDeserializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroKeyValueDeserializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentKafkaAvroDeserializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroSerializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentAvroSerializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Renamed AvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory to ConfluentAvroKeyValueSerializationSchemaFactory and moved to avro.schemaregistry.confluent package
  • (Refactor KafkaAvro API) Removed FixedKafkaAvroSourceFactory and FixedKafkaAvroSinkFactory (now we don't support fixed schema)
  • (Refactor Kafka API) Replaced topics: List[String] by List[PreparedKafkaTopic] and removed processObjectDependencies in KafkaSource

Be aware that we are using avro 1.9.2 instead of default Flink's 1.8.2 (for java time logical types conversions purpose).

  • #1013 Expression evaluation is synchronous now. It shouldn't cause any problems (all languages were synchronous anyway), but some internal code may have to change.

In version 0.1.2

  • #957 Custom node aggregate from generic model has changed parameter from windowLengthInSeconds to windowLength with human friendly duration input. If you have used it in process, you need to insert correct value again.
  • #954 TypedMap is not a case class wrapping scala Map anymore. If you have done some pattern matching on it, you should use case typedMap: TypedMap => typedMap.asScala instead.

In version 0.1.1

  • #930 DeeplyCheckingExceptionExtractor was moved from nussknacker-flink-util module to nussknacker-util module.
  • #919 KafkaSource constructor now doesn't take consumerGroup. Instead of this it computes consumerGroup on their own based on kafka.consumerGroupNamingStrategy in modelConfig (default set to processId). You can also override it by overriddenConsumerGroup optional parameter. Regards to this changes, KafkaConfig has new, optional parameter consumerGroupNamingStrategy.
  • #920 KafkaSource constructor now takes KafkaConfig instead of using one that was parsed by BaseKafkaSourceFactory.kafkaConfig. Also if you parse Typesafe Config to KafkaSource on your own, now you should use dedicated method KafkaConfig.parseConfig to avoid further problems when parsing strategy will be changed.
  • #914 pl.touk.nussknacker.engine.api.definition.Parameter has deprecated main factory method with runtimeClass parameter. Now should be passed isLazyParameter instead. Also were removed runtimeClass from variances of factory methods prepared for easy testing (optional method and so on).

In version 0.1.0

  • #755 Default async execution context does not depend on parallelism. asyncExecutionConfig.parallelismMultiplier has been deprecated and should be replaced with asyncExecutionConfig.workers. 8 should be sane default value.
  • #722 Old way of configuring Flink and model (via flinkConfig and processConfig) is removed. processTypes configuration should be used from now on. Example:
    flinkConfig {...}
    processConfig {...}
    processTypes {
    "type e.g. streaming" {
    deploymentConfig {
    type: "flinkStreaming"
    modelConfig {
    classPath: PUT HERE VALUE OF flinkConfig.classPath FROM OLD CONFIG
  • #763 Some API traits (ProcessManager, DictRegistry DictQueryService, CountsReporter) now extend java.lang.AutoCloseable.
  • Old way of additional properties configuration should be replaced by the new one, which is now mapped to Map[String, AdditionalPropertyConfig]. Example in your config:
    additionalFieldsConfig: {
    mySelectProperty {
    label: "Description"
    type: "select"
    isRequired: false
    values: ["true", "false"]
    additionalPropertiesConfig {
    mySelectProperty {
    label: "Description"
    defaultValue: "false"
    editor: {
    type: "FixedValuesParameterEditor",
    possibleValues: [
    {"label": "Yes", "expression": "true"},
    {"label": "No", "expression": "false"}
  • #588 #882 FlinkSource API changed, current implementation is now BasicFlinkSource
  • #839 #882 FlinkSink API changed, current implementation is now BasicFlinkSink
  • #841 ProcessConfigCreator API changed; note that currently all process objects are invoked with ProcessObjectDependencies as a parameter. The APIs of KafkaSinkFactory, KafkaSourceFactory, and all their implementations were changed. Config is available as property of ProcessObjectDependencies instance.
  • #863 restUrl in deploymentConfig need to be preceded with protocol. Host with port only is not allowed anymore.
  • Rename grafanaSettings to metricsSettings in configuration.

In version 0.0.12

  • Upgrade to Flink 1.7
  • Refactor of custom transformations, dictionaries, unions, please look at samples in example or generic to see API changes
  • Considerable changes to authorization configuration, please look at sample config to see changes
  • Circe is now used by default instead of Argonaut, but still can use Argonaut in Displayable

In version 0.0.11

  • Changes in CustomStreamTransformer implementation, LazyInterpreter became LazyParameter, please look at samples to see changes in API

In version 0.0.8

  • Upgrade to Flink 1.4
  • Change of format of Flink cluster configuration
  • Parameters of sources and sinks are expressions now - automatic update of DB is available
  • Change of configuration of Grafana dashboards
  • Custom processes are defined in main configuration file now