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Designer configuration

Designer configuration area contains configs for web application interface, security, various UI settings, database and more. Check configuration areas to understand where Designer configuration should be placed in the Nussknacker configuration.

The default Designer configuration can be found in defaultDesignerConfig.conf.

Web interface configuration

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
http.portHighint8080HTTP Port of Designer app
http.interfaceHighstring""HTTP interface for Designer app
http.publicPathMediumstring""if Designer used with reverse proxy and custom path, use this configuration to generate links in Designer properly (Designer app is always served from root path)
ssl.enabledMediumbooleanfalseShould Designer app be served with SSL
ssl.keyStore.locationMediumstringKeystore file location (required if SSL enabled)
ssl.keyStore.passwordMediumstringKeystore file password (required if SSL enabled)
akka.*MediumAkka HTTP is used for HTTP serving, you can configure it in standard way. Below we give Nussknacker-specific defaults
akka.http.server.parsing.max-content-lengthLowint300000000Requests (e.g. with test data) can be quite large, so we increase the limit
akka.http.server.request-timeoutLowduration1 minuteConsider increasing the value if you have large test data or long savepoint times during deploy

Database configuration

Database is used to store scenario definitions; data processed by Nussknacker are not stored. Currently, Nussknacker supports following databases:

  • HSQL (embedded), we use syntax_ora option
  • PostgreSQL

Please check Slick documentation for detailed list of configuration options.

The table below presents most important options, or the ones that have Nussknacker specific defaults.

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
db.urlHighstring"jdbc:hsqldb:file:"${storageDir}"/db;sql.syntax_ora=true"Default HSQL location
db.driverHighstring"org.hsqldb.jdbc.JDBCDriver""org.postgresql.Driver" in case of PostgreSQL
db.maximumPoolSizeLowint5We have lower limits than default config, since then Designer is not heavy-load application
db.minimumIdleLowint1We have lower limits than default config, since then Designer is not heavy-load application
db.numThreadsLowint5We have lower limits than default config, since then Designer is not heavy-load application

Metrics settings

Metric dashboard

Each scenario can have a link to Grafana dashboard. In Docker setup we provide a sample nussknacker-scenario dashboard. You can modify/configure your own, the only assumption that we make is that variable scenarioName is used to display metrics for particular scenario.

Each scenario type can have different dashboard, this is configured by metricsSettings.scenarioTypeToDashboard settings. If no mapping is configured, metricsSettings.defaultDashboard is used. Actual link for particular scenario is created by replacing

  • $dashboard with configured dashboard
  • $scenarioName with scenario name in metricsSettings.url setting.
Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
metricsSettings.urlHighstring/grafana/d/$dashboard?theme=dark&var-scenarioName=$scenarioName&var-env=local (for Docker setup)URL (accessible from user browser, in docker setup its configured as relative URL) to Grafana dashboard, see above for details
metricsSettings.defaultDashboardMediumstringnussknacker-scenario (for Docker setup)Default dashboard
metricsSettings.scenarioTypeToDashboardLowmapMapping of scenario types to dashboard


Counts are based on InfluxDB metrics, stored in nodeCount measurement by default. countsSettings.queryMode setting can be used to choose metric computation algorithm:

  • OnlySingleDifference - subtracts values between end and beginning of requested range. Fast method, but if restart in the requested time range is detected error is returned. We assume the job was restarted when event counter at the source decreases.
  • OnlySumOfDifferences - difference is computed by summing differences in measurements for requested time range. This method works a bit better for restart situations, but can be slow for large diagrams and wide time ranges.
  • SumOfDifferencesForRestarts - if restart is detected, the metrics are computed with OnlySumDifferences, otherwise - with OnlySingleDifferences

If you have custom metrics settings which result in different fields or tags (e.g. you have different telegraf configuration), you can configure required values with the settings presented below:

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
countsSettings.influxUrlMediumstringMain InfluxDB query endpoint (e.g. http://influx:8086/query). It should be accessible from Nussknacker Designer server, not from user browser
countsSettings.databaseMediumstringInfluxDB database name
countsSettings.userMediumstringUser name (optional)
countsSettings.passwordMediumstringPassword (optional)
countsSettings.additionalHeadersLowmap of stringsempty mapAdditional headers sent to InfluxDB
countsSettings.queryModeLowOnlySingleDifference / OnlySumOfDifferences / SumOfDifferencesForRestartsOnlySumOfDifferences
countsSettings.metricsConfig.additionalGroupByTagsLowlist of string["slot", "instanceId"]

Deployment settings

Nussknacker Designer can be configured to replace certain values in comments to links that can point e.g. to external issue tracker like GitHub issues or Jira. For example, MARKETING-555 will change to link See development configuration for example configuration.

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
commentSettings.substitutionPatternLowregexpRegular expression to look for issue identifier (e.g. (issues/[0-9]*) - note use of regexp group)
commentSettings.substitutionLinkLowstringLink template (e.g.$1 - $1 will be replaced with matched group from substitutionPattern config
deploymentCommentSettings.validationPatternLowregexpIf deploymentCommentSettings is specified, comment matching validation pattern is required for deployment. Also, if substitutionPattern is defined, at least one match is required
deploymentCommentSettings.exampleCommentLowstringExample of comment which passes validation. Unlike validationPattern field is not mandatory.



Nussknacker has pluggable security architecture - we support three types of authentication: BasicAuth, OAuth2 and OpenID Connect (OIDC). Configuration specific to each of these three types of authentication mechanism is described in the dedicated sections.

Nussknacker supports roles; the roles permissions are defined in the users configuration file.

Users, roles and permissions

Each user has id and set of permissions for every scenario category. The following permissions are supported:

  • Read - user can view scenarios in category
  • Write - user can modify/add new scenarios in category
  • Deploy - user can deploy or cancel scenarios in given category

You can set isAdmin flag to a certain role in the users configuration file. Users who have this role will be considered an Admin user by the system and will have all the permissions to every scenario category as well as all the global permissions.

You can set a role assigned to an anonymous user with the anonymousUserRole setting in the authentication section in the configuration. When no value is provided (default), no anonymous access will be granted.

Global permissions

In addition to permission system oriented around scenarios categories we provide additional set of permissions. This feature is designed to control access to components that have no category attached, or it doesn't make sense for them to have one.

Currently supported permissions:

  • Impersonate - Enables technical user to impersonate a business user and act on their behalf with their permissions.


Nussknacker supports an impersonation mechanism on the API level, allowing system's technical users to perform actions on behalf of business users. A technical user has to have the Impersonate global permission configured in order to be able to impersonate.

Currently only BasicAuth security mechanism supports this feature.

You can configure whether Admin users can be impersonated by such technical users with isAdminImpersonationPossible setting in the authentication section. By default, it's set to false.

Common configuration parameters

The table below contains parameters common to all the supported authentication methods.

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
authentication.methodrequiredstringBasicAuth, Oidc or OAuth2
authentication.usersFilerequiredurl or pathURL or path to a file with a mapping of user identities to roles and roles to permissions
authentication.anonymousUserRoleoptionalstringRole assigned to an unauthenticated user if the selected authentication provider permits anonymous access. No anonymous access allowed unless a value is provided.
authentication.isAdminImpersonationPossiblerequiredbooleanfalsetrue or false. Flag describing whether users with Impersonate global permission can impersonate Admin users.

Users' file format:

The association of the users to the roles is in the users' configuration file; in the case of OIDC it can additionally be supplemented by the list of roles provided by the OpenId provider.

If OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication is used, the information about the user identity is stored in the field sub (subject) of the OIDC token - make sure that these values match.

users: [
identity: "admin"
roles: ["Admin"]
identity: "userId",
username: "overrided username",
roles: ["Admin"]
identity: "userWithAdminTab"
roles: ["User", "UserWithAdminTab"]
identity: "user"
roles: ["User"]

rules: [
role: "Admin"
isAdmin: true
role: "UserWithAdminTab"
permissions: ["Read", "Write", "Deploy"]
globalPermissions: ["AdminTab"]
categories: ["Category2", "RequestResponseCategory1"]
role: "User"
permissions: ["Read", "Write"]
categories: ["Category1", "Category2"]

BasicAuth security module

In order to use Basic authentication you just need to set authentication.method to BasicAuth and provide either plain or encrypted passwords for users additionally to the usersFile's content as follows:

users: [
password: "pass"
encryptedPassword: "$2a$12$oA3U7DXkT5eFkyB8GbtKzuVqxUCU0zDmcueBYV218zO/JFQ9/bzY6"


Encrypted hashes

Encryption of passwords uses BCrypt algorithm. You can generate sample hash using command:

python -c 'import bcrypt; print(bcrypt.hashpw("password".encode("utf8"), bcrypt.gensalt(rounds=12, prefix="2a")))'

If you don't have bcrypt installed, use pip install bcrypt.

Be aware that usage of BCrypt hashes will cause significant CPU overhead for processing of each http request, because we don't have sessions and all requests are authenticated. To avoid this overhead you can configure cashing of hashes using configuration:

authentication: {
method: "BasicAuth"
usersFile: "conf/users.conf"
cachingHashes {
enabled: true

This workaround causes that passwords are kept in the memory, and it will introduce risk that someone with access to content of heap will see cached passwords.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) security module

When talking about OAuth2 in the context of authentication, most people probably mean OpenID Connect, an identity layer built on top of it. Nussknacker provides a separate authentication provider for OIDC with simple configuration and provider discovery. The only supported flow is the authorization code flow with client secret.

You can select this authentication method by setting the authentication.method parameter to Oidc

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
authentication.issuerrequiredurlOpenID Provider's location
authentication.clientIdrequiredstringClient identifier valid at the authorization server
authentication.clientSecretrequiredstringSecret corresponding to the client identifier at the authorization server
authentication.audiencerecommendedstringRequired aud claim value of an access token that is assumed to be a JWT.
authentication.rolesClaimsrecommendedlist of stringName of the field in the ID token which contains list of user roles. This list supplements roles defined in the usersFile
authentication.redirectUrioptionalurlinferred from UI's locationCallback URL to which a user is redirected after successful authentication
authentication.scopeoptionalstringopenid profileScope parameter's value sent to the authorization endpoint.
authentication.authorizationEndpointauxiliaryurl or pathdiscoveredAbsolute URL or path relative to Issuer overriding the value retrieved from the OpenID Provider
authentication.tokenEndpointauxiliaryurl or pathdiscoveredas above
authentication.userinfoEndpointauxiliaryurl or pathdiscoveredas above
authentication.jwksUriauxiliaryurl or pathdiscoveredas above
authentication.tokenCookie.nameauxiliarystringname of cookie to store access token
authentication.tokenCookie.pathauxiliarystringpath of access token cookie
authentication.tokenCookie.domainauxiliarystringdomain of access token cookie
authentication.usernameClaimoptionalstringThe OIDC claim from JWT which be mapped to the username at Nussknacker authorized user object. Available options: preferred_username, given_name, nickname, name. By default, username is represented by the sub (identifier) claim from JWT.

Auth0 sample configuration

Assuming ${nussknackerUrl} is the location of your deployment, in your Auth0 tenant settings do the following:

  • Create a "Regular Web Application" with the "Allowed Callback URL's" field set to ${nussknackerUrl}
  • Create an "API" with the "Identifier" field preferably set to ${nussknackerUrl}/api
  • Create an Auth Pipeline Rule with the content:
function (user, context, callback) {
const assignedRoles = (context.authorization || {}).roles || ['User'];

let idTokenClaims = context.idToken || {};

idTokenClaims[`nussknacker:roles`] = assignedRoles;

context.idToken = idTokenClaims;
callback(null, user, context);}

You can find more configurations options at Auth0's documentation on applications and APIs

In Nussknacker's configuration file add the following authentication section:

authentication: {
method: "Oidc"
issuer: "https://<the value of Applications -> Application Name -> Settings -> Basic Information -> Domain>"
clientSecret: "<the value of Applications -> Application Name -> Settings -> Basic Information -> Client Secret>"
clientId: "<the value of Applications -> Application Name -> Settings -> Basic Information -> Client Identifier>"
audience: "<the value of APIs -> API Name -> Settings -> General Settings -> Identifier>"
rolesClaims: ["nussknacker:roles"]
usersFile: "conf/users.conf"

The role names in the usersFile should match the roles defined in the Auth0 tenant.

MS Azure Active Directory sample configuration

  • Open MS Azure Portal:
  • Go to Azure Active Directory Service
  • Register new app: AAD Service -> App registrations -> New registration
  • Add auth platform: AAD Service -> App registrations -> Your App -> Authentication -> Add a platform
  • Register app roles: AAD Service -> App registrations -> Your App -> App roles -> Create app role
  • Add client secret: AAD Service -> App registrations -> Your App -> Certificates & secrets -> New client secret
  • Configure users roles: Enterprise applications -> Your App -> Users and groups -> Add user/group

In Nussknacker's configuration file add the following authentication section:

authentication: {
method: "Oidc"
issuer: ""
clientSecret: <the value of App registrations -> Your App -> Certificates & secrets -> Your created secret value>
clientId: <the value of App registrations -> Your App -> Overview -> Application (client) ID>
usernameClaim: "name" # Here MS AAD returns at JWT full user name
rolesClaims: ["roles"] # Here MS AAD returns at JWT information about assigned roles
usersFile: "conf/users.conf"

The value of YOUR_TENANT_ID you can find at App registrations -> Your App -> Directory (tenant) ID. More information about the API you can find at

The role names in the usersFile should match the roles defined in MS AAD App registrations -> Your App -> App roles.

OAuth2 security module

Generic configuration

authentication: {
method: ${?AUTHENTICATION_METHOD} (default: "BasicAuth")
authorizeUri: ${?OAUTH2_AUTHORIZE_URI}
clientSecret: ${?OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET}
clientId: ${?OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID}
issuer: ${?OAUTH2_ISSUER}
profileUri: ${?OAUTH2_PROFILE_URI}
profileFormat: ${?OAUTH2_PROFILE_FORMAT}
accessTokenUri: ${?OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI}
redirectUri: ${?OAUTH2_REDIRECT_URI}
implicitGrantEnabled: ${?OAUTH2_IMPLICIT_GRANT_ENABLED}
jwt {
accessTokenIsJwt: ${?OAUTH2_ACCESS_TOKEN_IS_JWT} (default: false)
userinfoFromIdToken: ${?OAUTH2_USERINFO_FROM_ID_TOKEN} (default: false)
audience: ${?OAUTH2_JWT_AUDIENCE}
accessTokenParams {
grant_type: ${?OAUTH2_GRANT_TYPE}
authorizeParams {
response_type: ${?OAUTH2_RESPONSE_TYPE}
scope: ${?OAUTH2_SCOPE}
audience: ${?OAUTH2_AUDIENCE}
usernameClaim: ${?OAUTH2_USERNAME_CLAIM}
headers {
authorizationHeader: "Authorization" (default)
accessTokenRequestContentType: "application/json" (default)
defaultTokenExpirationDuration: "1 hour" (default)
anonymousUserRole: None (default)
tokenCookie: None (default)
overrideFrontendAuthenticationStrategy: None (default)

When method is set to OAuth2, the following fields are mandatory: clientSecret, clientId, authorizeUri , redirectUri, accessTokenUri, profileUri, profileFormat, implicitGrantEnabled, usersFile.

For the profileFormat one of oidc or github is supported by default.

Subconfigs accessTokenParams, accessTokenRequestContentType, authorizeParams, headers are optional and every field from any of the subconfigs is optional and could be provided separately.

By default, access token request is sent using application/json content type, to change it (e.g. to application/x-www-form-urlencoded) use accessTokenRequestContentType config.

Subconfig jwt is also optional. However, if it is present and enabled is set to true, the audience and one of the publicKey, publicKeyFile, certificate, certificateFile, fields have to be provided.

Access tokens are introspected only once and then stored in a cache for the expiration time. When using JWT, an incoming access token is validated against its signature and aud(audience) claim. Otherwise, a token is considered valid when it allows a profileUri (e.g. /userinfo) query. No token refreshing nor revoking is implemented.


  • Setting jwt.idTokenNonceVerificationRequired to true has an effect only if implicitGrantEnabled is also set to true.

  • For security reasons, if implicit flow used, implicitGrantEnabled and jwt.idTokenNonceVerificationRequired should be set to true. Furthermore authorizeParams.response_type should be set to "access_token id_token" (not only "access_token"). Then a received access_token format has to be JWT (like id_token).

    Of course, this does not apply when authorizeParams.response_type is set to code (code flow used).

  • Provided jwt is enabled, the backend first checks whether a user profile can be obtained from the access_token, secondly it tries to obtain the profile from a request sent to authorizeUri.

  • Access token can be configured to be set in http-only cookie (e.g. for enabling proxy grafana authentication). This is disabled by default, it can be enabled with following config:

  authentication {
tokenCookie {
name: "cookieName"
path: "/grafana" //optional
domain: "" //optional

OAuth2 security module - GitHub example with code flow

Configuration example:

authentication: {
method: "OAuth2"
clientSecret: ""
clientId: ""
authorizeUri: ""
redirectUri: "http://localhost:3000"
accessTokenUri: ""
profileUri: ""
profileFormat: "github"
implicitGrantEnabled: false
accessTokenParams {
grant_type: "authorization_code"
headers {
Accept: "application/json"
authorizeParams {
response_type: "code"
usersFile: "./src/test/resources/oauth2-users.conf"

Users file example:

users: [ //Special settings by user email
identity: ""
roles: ["Admin"]

rules: [
role: "Admin"
isAdmin: true
role: "User" //this is default role for all users
permissions: ["Read", "Write", "Deploy"]
categories: ["Default", "FraudDetection"]

UI customization options

Process Toolbar Configuration

Toolbars and buttons at process window are configurable, you can configure params:

  • uuid - optional uuid identifier which determines unique code for FE localstorage cache, default: null - we generate uuid from hashcode config
  • topLeft - optional top left panel, default: empty list
  • bottomLeft - optional bottom left panel, default: empty list
  • topRight - optional top right panel, default: empty list
  • bottomRight - optional bottom right panel, default: empty list

Example configuration:

processToolbarConfig {
defaultConfig {
topLeft: [
{ type: "tips-panel" }
topRight: [
type: "process-actions-panel"
buttons: [
{ type: "process-save", disabled: { fragment: false, archived: true, type: "oneof" } }
{ type: "custom-link", title: "Metrics for $processName", url: "/metrics/$processId" }

We can also create special configuration for each category by:

processToolbarConfig {
categoryConfig {
"CategoryName" {
id: "58f1acff-d864-4d66-9f86-0fa7319f7043"
topLeft: [
{ type: "creator-panel", hidden: {fragment: true, archived: false, type: "allof"} }

Toolbar Panel Conditioning

Configuration allow us to:

  • hiding panels
  • hiding or disabling buttons

Each of this function can be configured by condition expression where we can use three parameters:

  • fragment: boolean - if true then condition match only fragment, by default ignored
  • archived: boolean - if true then condition match only archived, by default ignored
  • type: allof / oneof - information about that checked will be only one condition or all conditions

Toolbar Panel Templating

Configuration allows to templating params like:

  • name - available only on Buttons
  • title- available on Panels and Buttons
  • url - available only on CustomLink and CustomAction buttons
  • icon- available only on Buttons

Right now we allow to template two elements:

  • scenario id -$processId
  • scenario name - $processName

Example usage:

  • title: "Metrics for $processName"
  • name: "deploy $processName"
  • url: "/metrics/$processId"
  • icon: "/assets/process-icon-$processId"

Default Process Panel Configuration

processToolbarConfig {
defaultConfig {
topLeft: [
{ type: "search-panel" }
{ type: "tips-panel" }
{ type: "creator-panel", hidden: { archived: true } }
{ type: "versions-panel" }
{ type: "comments-panel" }
{ type: "attachments-panel" }
topRight: [
{ type: "process-info-panel" }
type: "process-actions-panel"
buttons: [
{ type: "process-save", title: "Save changes", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-deploy", disabled: { fragment: true, archived: true, type: "oneof" } }
{ type: "process-cancel", disabled: { fragment: true, archived: true, type: "oneof" } }
{ type: "custom-link", name: "metrics", icon: "/assets/buttons/metrics.svg", url: "/metrics/$processName", disabled: { fragment: true } }
id: "view-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "view"
buttons: [
{ type: "view-zoom-in" }
{ type: "view-zoom-out" }
{ type: "view-reset" }
id: "edit-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "edit"
hidden: { archived: true }
buttonsVariant: "small"
buttons: [
{ type: "edit-undo" }
{ type: "edit-redo" }
{ type: "edit-copy" }
{ type: "edit-paste" }
{ type: "edit-delete" }
{ type: "edit-layout" }
id: "process-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "process"
buttons: [
{ type: "process-properties", hidden: { fragment: true } }
{ type: "process-compare" }
{ type: "process-migrate", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-import", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-json" }
{ type: "process-pdf" }
{ type: "process-archive", hidden: { archived: true } }
{ type: "process-unarchive", hidden: { archived: false } }
id: "test-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "test"
hidden: { fragment: true }
buttons: [
{ type: "test-from-file", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "test-generate", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "test-counts" }
{ type: "test-hide" }
{ type: "generate-and-test", disabled: { archived: true } }
{ type: "test-with-form", disabled: { archived: true } }
id: "group-panel"
type: "buttons-panel"
title: "group"
hidden: { archived: true }
buttons: [
{ type: "group" }
{ type: "ungroup" }

Tabs (in main menu bar, such as Scenarios etc.) can be configured in the following way:

 tabs: ${tabs} [
id: "kibana",
title: "Kibana",
url: "",
type: "IFrame",
requiredPermission: "AdminTab"

By default, only Scenarios tab is configured.

Parameter nameTypeDefault valueDescription
idstringUnique identifier
titlestringTitle appearing in UI
typeIFrame/Local/Remote/UrlType of tab (see below for explanation)
urlstringURL of the tab
requiredPermissionstringOptional parameter, name of Global Permission
accessTokenInQuery.enabledbooleanfalseWhen true the parameter holding access token (if OAuth2 authentication is used) will be added to iframe query parameters
accessTokenInQuery.parameterNamestringauth_tokenOptional name of query parameter that holds the access token

The types of tabs can be as follows (see dev-application.conf for some examples):

  • IFrame - contents of the url parameter will be embedded as IFrame
  • Local - redirect to Designer page (/admin, /processes etc., see code for other options)
  • Remote - module federation can be used to embed external tabs, url should be in form: {module}/{path}@{host}/{remoteEntry}.js
  • Url - redirect to external page/url

Environment configuration

Nussknacker installation may consist of more than one environment. Typical example is a configuration, where you have:

  • environment for testing scenarios, which mirrors production data (e.g. via Kafka mirror-maker), but contains only scenarios that are currently worked on
  • production environment

You can configure secondaryEnvironment to allow for

  • easy migration of scenarios
  • comparing scenarios between environments
  • testing (currently only via REST API) if all scenarios from secondary environment are valid with model configuration from this environment (useful for testing configuration etc.) Currently, you can only configure secondary environment if it uses BASIC authentication - technical user is needed to access REST API.
Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
environmentMediumstringUsed mainly for metrics configuration. Please note: it has to be consistent with tag configuration of metrics
environmentAlert.contentLowstringHuman readable name of environment, to display in UI
environmentAlert.colorLowindicator-green / indicator-blue / indicator-yellow / indicator-redColor of environment indicator
secondaryEnvironment.remoteConfig.uriMediumstringURL of Nussknacker REST API e.g.
secondaryEnvironment.remoteConfig.batchSizeLowint10For testing compatibility we have to load all scenarios, we do it in batches to optimize
secondaryEnvironment.userMediumstringUser that should be used for migration/comparison
secondaryEnvironment.passwordMediumstringPassword of the user that should be used for migration/comparison
secondaryEnvironment.targetEnvironmentIdLowstringName of the secondary environment (used mainly for messages for user)


Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
testDataSettings.maxSampleCountMediumint20Limits number of samples for tests from file
testDataSettings.testDataMaxLengthLowint200000Limits size (in characters) of test input for tests from file
testDataSettings.resultsMaxBytesLowint50000000Limits size of returned test data for tests from file

Other configuration options

Parameter nameImportanceTypeDefault valueDescription
attachments.maxSizeInBytesMediumlong10485760Limits max size of scenario attachment, by default to 10mb
analytics.engineLowMatomoCurrently only available analytics engine is Matomo
analytics.urlLowstringURL of Matomo server
analytics.siteIdLowstringSite id
intervalTimeSettings.processesLowint20000How often frontend reloads scenario list
intervalTimeSettings.healthCheckLowint30000How often frontend reloads checks scenarios states
developmentModeMediumbooleanfalseFor development mode we disable some security features like CORS. Don't use in production
enableConfigEndpointMediumbooleanfalseExpose config over http (GET /api/app/config/) - requires admin permission. Please mind, that config often contains password or other confidential data - this feature is meant to be used only on 'non-prod' envrionments.
redirectAfterArchiveLowbooleantrueRedirect to scenarios list after archive operation.
scenarioStateTimeoutLowduration5 secondsTimeout for fetching scenario state operation
usageStatisticsReports.enabledLowbooleantrueWhen enabled browser will send anonymous usage statistics reports to
usageStatisticsReports.errorReportsEnabledLowbooleantrueWhen enabled browser will send anonymous errors reports to

Scenario type, categories

Every scenario has to belong to a group called category. Category defines the business area around which you can organize users permissions.

For example, in one Nussknacker installation you can have scenarios detecting frauds, and those implementing marketing campaigns. Then, the configuration will look like:

scenarioTypes {
streaming-marketing {
deploymentConfig {
modelConfig {
category: "Marketing"
streaming-fraud-detection {
deploymentConfig {
modelConfig {
category: "Fraud Detection"

Scenario type configuration consists of parts:

In Nussknacker distribution there are preconfigured scenario types:

  • streaming - using Flink Deployment Manager providing both stateful and stateless streaming components
  • streaming-lite-embedded - using embedded Lite Deployment Manager in Streaming processing mode providing only stateless streaming components
  • request-response-embedded - use embedded Request-Response Deployment Manager, scenario logic is exposed as REST API, on additional HTTP port at Designer

Each of these scenario types has Default category assigned.

See example from development config for more complex examples.