package test
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
case class
ScenarioTestData(testRecords: List[ScenarioTestRecord]) extends Product with Serializable
Holds test records for a scenario.
Holds test records for a scenario. The difference to TestData is that records are assigned to the individual sources in the scenario.
- case class ScenarioTestJsonRecord(sourceId: NodeId, record: TestRecord) extends ScenarioTestRecord with Product with Serializable
- case class ScenarioTestParametersRecord(sourceId: NodeId, parameterExpressions: Map[ParameterName, Expression]) extends ScenarioTestRecord with Product with Serializable
- sealed trait ScenarioTestRecord extends AnyRef
case class
TestData(testRecords: List[TestRecord]) extends Product with Serializable
Holds test records generated by a single source.
case class
TestRecord(json: Json, timestamp: Option[Long] = None) extends Product with Serializable
Test record represented as a JSON
Test record represented as a JSON
- timestamp
is used to order records generated by different sources in a scenario. Records without timestamp should be read last.
- trait TestRecordParser[+T] extends AnyRef
Value Members
- object EmptyInvocationCollector
- object InvocationCollectors
- object ScenarioTestData extends Serializable
- object ScenarioTestJsonRecord extends Serializable