package migrations
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- case class ProcessSplitterMigration(migratedNodeType: String = "split") extends NodeMigration with Product with Serializable
- case class UnionParametersMigration(migratedNodeType: String = "union") extends NodeMigration with Product with Serializable
If you want to apply this migration for different node type create new case class instance with appropriate name
If you want to apply this migration for different node type create new case class instance with appropriate name
- migratedNodeType
- type of node to be migrated eg. union, singleTypeUnion
Value Members
- object DecisionTableParameterNamesMigration extends NodeMigration
- object GroupByMigration extends NodeMigration
- object RequestResponseSinkValidationModeMigration extends NodeMigration
- object SinkExpressionMigration extends NodeMigration