package deployment

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package cache
  2. package inconsistency
  3. package simple

Type Members

  1. trait BaseDeploymentManager extends DeploymentManager
  2. case class DMCancelDeploymentCommand(scenarioName: ProcessName, deploymentId: DeploymentId, user: User) extends DMScenarioCommand[Unit] with Product with Serializable
  3. case class DMCancelScenarioCommand(scenarioName: ProcessName, user: User) extends DMScenarioCommand[Unit] with Product with Serializable
  4. case class DMCustomActionCommand(actionName: ScenarioActionName, processVersion: ProcessVersion, canonicalProcess: CanonicalProcess, user: User, params: Map[String, String]) extends DMScenarioCommand[CustomActionResult] with Product with Serializable
  5. case class DMMakeScenarioSavepointCommand(scenarioName: ProcessName, savepointDir: Option[String]) extends DMScenarioCommand[SavepointResult] with Product with Serializable
  6. case class DMRunDeploymentCommand(processVersion: ProcessVersion, deploymentData: DeploymentData, canonicalProcess: CanonicalProcess, updateStrategy: DeploymentUpdateStrategy) extends DMScenarioCommand[Option[ExternalDeploymentId]] with Product with Serializable

    We assume that validate was already called and was successful, currently savepointPath is flink specific, but we could leverage this concept also for other engines

  7. sealed trait DMScenarioCommand[Result] extends AnyRef
  8. case class DMStopDeploymentCommand(scenarioName: ProcessName, deploymentId: DeploymentId, savepointDir: Option[String], user: User) extends DMScenarioCommand[SavepointResult] with Product with Serializable
  9. case class DMStopScenarioCommand(scenarioName: ProcessName, savepointDir: Option[String], user: User) extends DMScenarioCommand[SavepointResult] with Product with Serializable
  10. case class DMTestScenarioCommand(processVersion: ProcessVersion, canonicalProcess: CanonicalProcess, scenarioTestData: ScenarioTestData) extends DMScenarioCommand[TestResults[Json]] with Product with Serializable
  11. case class DMValidateScenarioCommand(processVersion: ProcessVersion, deploymentData: DeploymentData, canonicalProcess: CanonicalProcess, updateStrategy: DeploymentUpdateStrategy) extends DMScenarioCommand[Unit] with Product with Serializable

    This command is invoked separately before deploy, to be able to give user quick feedback, as deploy (e.g.

    This command is invoked separately before deploy, to be able to give user quick feedback, as deploy (e.g. on Flink) may take long time

  12. sealed trait DataFreshnessPolicy extends AnyRef
  13. final case class DeployedScenarioData(processVersion: ProcessVersion, deploymentData: DeploymentData, resolvedScenario: CanonicalProcess) extends Product with Serializable
  14. trait DeploymentManager extends AutoCloseable
  15. trait DeploymentManagerInconsistentStateHandlerMixIn extends AnyRef
  16. sealed trait DeploymentStatus extends EnumEntry with UpperSnakecase
  17. final case class DeploymentStatusName(value: String) extends Product with Serializable
  18. sealed trait DeploymentSynchronisationSupport extends AnyRef
  19. trait DeploymentSynchronisationSupported extends DeploymentSynchronisationSupport
  20. sealed trait DeploymentUpdateStrategy extends AnyRef
  21. sealed abstract class NoAttributesDeploymentStatus extends DeploymentStatus
  22. class OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager extends ProcessStateDefinitionManager

    Wrapper for delegate ProcessStateDefinitionManager, used to enhance base state definitions and actions with custom states and custom actions.

    Wrapper for delegate ProcessStateDefinitionManager, used to enhance base state definitions and actions with custom states and custom actions.

    Use statusIconsPF, statusTooltipsPF and statusDescriptionsPF to customize dynamic state properties. Use customStateDefinitions to extend or override delegate definitions.

    The order of overriding handler executions:

    • handle state via statusIconsPF, statusTooltipsPF and statusDescriptionsPF or else
    • use custom definitions from stateDefinitions or else
    • use delegate methods statusIcons, statusTooltips and statusDescriptions
  23. final case class ProblemDeploymentStatus(description: String) extends DeploymentStatus with Product with Serializable
  24. trait ProcessStateDefinitionManager extends AnyRef

    Used to specify status definitions (for filtering and scenario status visualization) and status transitions (actions).

  25. trait ProcessingTypeActionService extends AnyRef
  26. class ProcessingTypeActionServiceStub extends ProcessingTypeActionService
  27. trait ProcessingTypeDeployedScenariosProvider extends AnyRef
  28. class ProcessingTypeDeployedScenariosProviderStub extends ProcessingTypeDeployedScenariosProvider
  29. final case class SavepointResult(path: String) extends Product with Serializable
  30. sealed trait ScenarioActivityHandling extends AnyRef
  31. trait ScenarioActivityManager extends AnyRef
  32. final case class WithDataFreshnessStatus[T](value: T, cached: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
