
package dict

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait DictDefinition extends Serializable

    It defines dictionary which will contain values of type valueType.

    It defines dictionary which will contain values of type valueType. Value will be created based on String key. key is presented as a label in UI.

    All definitions should be registered in ProcessConfigCreator.expressionConfig().dictionaries After registration, definitions will be available for DictRegistry and other services using it (like DictQueryService)

  2. case class DictEntry(key: String, label: String) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class DictInstance(dictId: String, definition: DictDefinition) extends TypedFromInstance with Product with Serializable

    If this instance wil be used in global variables, will be typed to TypedDict.

  4. trait DictQueryService extends AutoCloseable
  5. trait DictRegistry extends AutoCloseable

    Provide operations on key/label for dictionaries.

    Provide operations on key/label for dictionaries. For some dictionaries, resolving key/label can be not supported (None will be returned).

  6. trait DictServicesFactory extends AnyRef
  7. trait EngineDictRegistry extends DictRegistry
  8. trait ReturningKeyWithoutTransformation extends AnyRef

    It is helper mixin when value is exact as key (without additional transformation)

  9. case class UiDictServices(dictRegistry: DictRegistry, dictQueryService: DictQueryService) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object DictEntry extends Serializable
  2. object DictRegistry