package source
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class BlockingQueueSource[T] extends FlinkSource with Serializable
This source allow to add elements after creation or decide when input stream is finished.
This source allow to add elements after creation or decide when input stream is finished. It also emit watermark after each added element.
- Annotations
- @silent("deprecated")
- case class CollectionSource[T](list: List[T], timestampAssigner: Option[TimestampWatermarkHandler[T]], returnType: TypingResult, boundedness: Boundedness = Boundedness.CONTINUOUS_UNBOUNDED) extends StandardFlinkSource[T] with ReturningType with Product with Serializable
- class EmitWatermarkAfterEachElementCollectionSource[T] extends FlinkSource
This source in contrary to
emit watermark after each element.This source in contrary to
emit watermark after each element. It is important feature during tests if you want to make them deterministic.- Annotations
- @silent("deprecated")
- case class EmptySource(returnType: TypingResult) extends StandardFlinkSource[Any] with ReturningType with Product with Serializable
- class EspDeserializationSchema[T] extends AbstractDeserializationSchema[T]
- class ReturningClassInstanceSource extends SourceFactory with UnboundedStreamComponent
- case class ReturningTestCaseClass(someMethod: String) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object BlockingQueueSource extends Serializable
- object EmitWatermarkAfterEachElementCollectionSource
- object StaticSource extends SourceFunction[String]
- Annotations
- @silent("deprecated")