package periodic
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- case class CronScheduleProperty(labelOrCronExpr: String) extends SingleScheduleProperty with Product with Serializable
- case class CronSchedulePropertyExtractor(propertyName: String = CronPropertyDefaultName) extends SchedulePropertyExtractor with LazyLogging with Product with Serializable
- class DeploymentActor extends Actor with Timers with LazyLogging
- case class DeploymentRetryConfig(deployMaxRetries: Int = 0, deployRetryPenalize: FiniteDuration = Duration.Zero) extends Product with Serializable
Periodic Flink scenarios deployment retry configuration.
Periodic Flink scenarios deployment retry configuration. Used by
This config is only for retries of failures during scenario deployment. Failure recovery of running scenario should be handled by Flink's restart strategy.- deployMaxRetries
Maximum amount of retries for failed deployment. Default is zero.
- deployRetryPenalize
An amount of time by which the next retry should be delayed. Default is zero.
- class FlinkPeriodicDeploymentManagerProvider extends DeploymentManagerProvider with LazyLogging
- case class MultipleScheduleProperty(schedules: Map[String, SingleScheduleProperty]) extends ScheduleProperty with Product with Serializable
- case class PeriodicBatchConfig(db: Config, processingType: String, rescheduleCheckInterval: FiniteDuration = 13 seconds, deployInterval: FiniteDuration = 17 seconds, deploymentRetry: DeploymentRetryConfig, executionConfig: PeriodicExecutionConfig, jarsDir: String) extends Product with Serializable
Periodic Flink scenarios deployment configuration.
Periodic Flink scenarios deployment configuration.
- db
Nussknacker db configuration.
- processingType
processing type of scenarios to be managed by this instance of the periodic engine.
- rescheduleCheckInterval
check interval.- deployInterval
check interval.- deploymentRetry
for deployment failure recovery.- jarsDir
Directory for jars storage.
- trait PeriodicCustomActionsProvider extends AnyRef
- trait PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory extends AnyRef
- class PeriodicDeploymentManager extends DeploymentManager with LazyLogging
- case class PeriodicExecutionConfig(rescheduleOnFailure: Boolean = false) extends Product with Serializable
- class PeriodicProcessException extends RuntimeException
- class PeriodicProcessService extends LazyLogging
- class PeriodicProcessStateDefinitionManager extends OverridingProcessStateDefinitionManager
- class RescheduleFinishedActor extends Actor with Timers with LazyLogging
- sealed trait ScheduleProperty extends AnyRef
- trait SchedulePropertyExtractor extends AnyRef
- trait SchedulePropertyExtractorFactory extends AnyRef
- sealed trait SingleScheduleProperty extends ScheduleProperty
- class WithRunNowPeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory extends PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory
Value Members
- object CronScheduleProperty extends Serializable
- object CronSchedulePropertyExtractor extends Serializable
- object DeploymentActor
- object EmptyPeriodicCustomActionsProvider extends PeriodicCustomActionsProvider
- case object InstantBatchCustomAction extends Product with Serializable
- object MultipleScheduleProperty extends Serializable
- object PeriodicCustomActionsProviderFactory
- object PeriodicDeploymentManager
- object PeriodicProcessService
- object PeriodicProcessStateDefinitionManager
- object PeriodicStateStatus
- object RescheduleFinishedActor
- object ScheduleProperty
- object SchedulePropertyExtractor
- object SingleScheduleProperty
- object Utils extends LazyLogging