package table
- Alphabetic
- Public
- All
Type Members
FlinkTableComponentProvider extends ComponentProvider with LazyLogging
The config for this component provider is used in 2 contexts:
The config for this component provider is used in 2 contexts:
- designer: to have typing based on schema
- flink executor: to configure tables in a flink job
The file path of the sql file which is the source of component configuration is context dependent - for example if deploying inside docker container it has to point to a path inside the container. This is analogical to how the kafka and schema registry addresses are provided as environment variables that are different for designer and jobmanager/taskmanager services. For reference see the nussknacker-quickstart repository.
- final case class TableComponentProviderConfig(tableDefinitionFilePath: Option[String], catalogConfiguration: Option[Map[String, String]], testDataGenerationMode: Option[TestDataGenerationMode]) extends Product with Serializable
- final case class TableDefinition(tableId: ObjectIdentifier, schema: ResolvedSchema) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object FlinkTableComponentProvider
- object TableComponentProviderConfig extends Serializable