
package test

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package docker

Type Members

  1. trait ClassDiscoveryBaseTest extends AnyFunSuite with Matchers with Inside with LazyLogging
  2. trait CorrectExceptionHandlingSpec extends FlinkSpec with Matchers
  3. trait FlinkMiniClusterHolder extends AnyRef

    This interface provides compatibility for another Flink's version.

    This interface provides compatibility for another Flink's version. Instance of mini cluster holder should be created only once for many jobs.

  4. class FlinkMiniClusterHolderImpl extends FlinkMiniClusterHolder
  5. trait FlinkSpec extends BeforeAndAfterAll with BeforeAndAfter with WithConfig
  6. class MiniClusterExecutionEnvironment extends StreamExecutionEnvironment with LazyLogging with Matchers
  7. class RecordingExceptionConsumer extends FlinkEspExceptionConsumer
  8. class RecordingExceptionConsumerProvider extends FlinkEspExceptionConsumerProvider

Value Members

  1. object FlinkMiniClusterHolder
  2. object FlinkTestConfiguration
  3. object RecordingExceptionConsumer extends TestResultsHolder[(String, NuExceptionInfo[_ <: Throwable])]
  4. object RecordingExceptionConsumerProvider
  5. object SamplesComponent extends Serializable
