package client

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CachedConfluentSchemaRegistryClient extends ConfluentSchemaRegistryClient with LazyLogging

    We use there own cache engine because ConfluentCachedClient doesn't cache getLatestSchemaMetadata and getSchemaMetadata

  2. class CachedConfluentSchemaRegistryClientFactory extends SchemaRegistryClientFactory
  3. trait ConfluentSchemaRegistryClient extends SchemaRegistryClient with LazyLogging
  4. class DefaultConfluentSchemaRegistryClient extends ConfluentSchemaRegistryClient with SchemaRegistryClientWithRegistration
  5. class MockConfluentSchemaRegistryClientBuilder extends AnyRef
  6. class MockConfluentSchemaRegistryClientFactory extends SchemaRegistryClientFactoryWithRegistration

    SchemaRegistryClient must be passed by name, because schemaRegistryMockClient is not serializable.

    SchemaRegistryClient must be passed by name, because schemaRegistryMockClient is not serializable. This class do not use caching - mocks are already fast

  7. class MockSchemaRegistryClient extends io.confluent.kafka.schemaregistry.client.MockSchemaRegistryClient with LazyLogging

    Extended Confluent MockSchemaRegistryClient - base one throws wrong exceptions when version or subject doesn't exist

  8. case class OpenAPIJsonSchema(schemaString: String) extends JsonSchema with Product with Serializable
  9. class SchemaRegistryCaches extends LazyLogging
