package formatter
- Alphabetic
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- abstract class AbstractSchemaBasedRecordFormatter[K, V] extends RecordFormatter
- class AvroToJsonFormatter[K, V] extends AbstractSchemaBasedRecordFormatter[K, V]
Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema).
Formatter uses writer schema ids to assure test data represent raw events data, without schema evolution (which adjusts data to reader schema). Test data record contains data of ConsumerRecord and contains key and value schema ids (see [SchemaBasedSerializableConsumerRecord]).
- class AvroToJsonFormatterFactory extends RecordFormatterFactory
RecordFormatter factory for kafka avro sources with avro payload.
- case class SchemaBasedSerializableConsumerRecord[K, V](keySchemaId: Option[SchemaId], valueSchemaId: Option[SchemaId], consumerRecord: SerializableConsumerRecord[K, V]) extends Product with Serializable
Value Members
- object SchemaBasedSerializableConsumerRecord extends Serializable