class GenericOidcService[UserData <: JwtStandardClaims, AuthorizationData <: OidcAuthorizationData] extends JwtOAuth2Service[UserData, AuthorizationData, UserData] with LazyLogging
Apart from backward compatibility of the configuration, this class is not intended for direct instantiation. There is a concrete subclass in the Oidc authentication provider for OIDC compliant authorization servers.
Linear Supertypes
Known Subclasses
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- GenericOidcService
- JwtOAuth2Service
- BaseOAuth2Service
- LazyLogging
- OAuth2Service
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Instance Constructors
- new GenericOidcService(clientApi: OAuth2ClientApi[UserData, AuthorizationData], configuration: OAuth2Configuration)(implicit arg0: Decoder[UserData], ec: ExecutionContext)
Value Members
- final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ##: Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val accessTokenIsJwt: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JwtOAuth2Service
- final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
- Definition Classes
- Any
- def authenticateUser(authorization: AuthorizationData): Future[UserData]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- GenericOidcService → BaseOAuth2Service
- def checkAuthorizationAndAuthenticateUser(accessToken: String): Future[(UserData, Option[Instant])]
- Definition Classes
- OAuth2Service
- val clientApi: OAuth2ClientApi[UserData, AuthorizationData]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- BaseOAuth2Service
- def clone(): AnyRef
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- def hashCode(): Int
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- def introspectJwtToken[Claims](token: String)(implicit arg0: Decoder[Claims]): Future[Claims]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JwtOAuth2Service
- final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
- Definition Classes
- Any
- lazy val jwtValidator: JwtValidator
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JwtOAuth2Service
- lazy val logger: Logger
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- LazyLogging
- Annotations
- @transient()
- final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- final def notify(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- final def notifyAll(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate() @native()
- def obtainAuthorization(authorizationCode: String, redirectUri: String): Future[AuthorizationData]
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JwtOAuth2Service → BaseOAuth2Service
- final def obtainAuthorizationAndAuthenticateUser(authorizationCode: String, redirectUri: String): Future[(AuthorizationData, UserData)]
- Definition Classes
- BaseOAuth2Service → OAuth2Service
- final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- def toIntrospectedData(claims: UserData): IntrospectedAccessTokenData
- Attributes
- protected
- Definition Classes
- JwtOAuth2Service
- def toString(): String
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef → Any
- val useIdToken: Boolean
- Attributes
- protected
- final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
- final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
- final def wait(): Unit
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException])
Deprecated Value Members
- def finalize(): Unit
- Attributes
- protected[lang]
- Definition Classes
- AnyRef
- Annotations
- @throws(classOf[java.lang.Throwable]) @Deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version 9)