package test

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package containers
  2. package installationexample

Type Members

  1. trait BasePatientScalaFutures extends ScalaFutures with Eventually
  2. trait DefaultUniquePortProvider extends UniquePortProvider
  3. trait EitherValuesDetailedMessage extends AnyRef
  4. trait ExtremelyPatientScalaFutures extends BasePatientScalaFutures
  5. class FailingContextClassloader extends ClassLoader
  6. trait LiteralSpEL extends AnyRef
  7. trait NuRestAssureExtensions extends AnyRef
  8. trait NuRestAssureMatchers extends AnyRef
  9. trait NuScalaTestAssertions extends Assertions
  10. trait NuTapirSchemaTestHelpers extends AnyRef
  11. trait PatientScalaFutures extends BasePatientScalaFutures

    Default ScalaFutures patient is set to timeout = 150ms and interval = 15ms.

    Default ScalaFutures patient is set to timeout = 150ms and interval = 15ms. It is a good setting in the perfect scenario when asynchronous tasks are very short and global ExecutionContext works without delays. But ... in the real World we have very vary tasks duration and on slow environments (like Travis) it cause occasional delays. So we need to be more patient.

  12. trait RestAssuredVerboseLoggingIfValidationFails extends AnyRef
  13. final case class SpecialSpELElement(value: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  14. trait StandardPatientScalaFutures extends BasePatientScalaFutures
  15. trait UniquePortProvider extends AnyRef
  16. trait ValidatedValuesDetailedMessage extends AnyRef
  17. trait VeryPatientScalaFutures extends BasePatientScalaFutures
  18. trait WithConfig extends AnyRef
  19. trait WithSttpTestUtils extends AnyRef
  20. trait WithTestHttpClient extends WithSttpTestUtils with BeforeAndAfterAll
  21. trait WithTestHttpClientCreator extends WithSttpTestUtils
