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Version: 1.15

OpenAPI enrichers


Nussknacker can use services documented with OpenAPI interface definition. We use Swagger to parse OpenAPI, versions 2.x and 3.x are supported (version 2.x should be considered as deprecated).

Nussknacker applies following rules when mapping OpenAPI services to enrichers:

  • Each operation is mapped to one enricher
  • If operationId is configured it's used as enricher name, otherwise we create it as concatenation of HTTP method, path and parameters (to provide some level of uniqueness)
  • Parameters (path, query of header) are used to define enricher parameters
  • If specification declares body parameter as object, we expand to parameter list
  • We expect operation to define 200/201 response, returned object is the one that is the result of enricher
  • We map 404 HTTP code to null value of enricher
  • We use externalDocs.url to extract documentation link

Table below describes data types that OpenAPI integration handles:

OpenAPI TypeOpenAPI FormatType in Nussknacker

OpenAPI integration can handle schema references. However, we don't support recursive schemas at the moment. Recursive schema occurrences will be replaced with Unknown type.

For objects and maps we use properties to define structure. For arrays, we use items to define type of elements.


Open API enricher is configured under components configuration key. Check this configuration file snippet to understand the placement of components configuration key in the configuration file.

Sample configuration:

components {
service1: {
providerType: openAPI
url = ""
rootUrl = ""
security {
apikeySecuritySchema {
type = "apiKey"
apiKeyValue = "34534asfdasf"
namePattern: "customer.*"
allowedMethods: ["GET", "POST"]
urltrueURL of the OpenAPI interface definition. It contains definition of the service you want to interact with.
rootUrlfalseThe URL of the service. If not specified, the URL of the service is taken from the OpenAPI interface definition.
allowedMethodsfalse["GET"]Usually only GET services should be used as enrichers are meant to be idempotent and not change data
namePatternfalse.*Regexp for filtering operations by operationId (i.e. enricher name)
securityfalseConfiguration for authentication for each securitySchemas defined in the OpenAPI interface definition
security.*.typefalseType of security configuration for a given security schema. Currently only apiKey is supported
security.*.apiKeyValuefalseAPI key that will be passed into the service via header, query parameter or cookie (depending on definition provided in OpenAPI)


You can enable enricher level runtime logging by pl.touk.nussknacker.openapi.enrichers.[enricher name] to DEBUG. In particular, setting pl.touk.nussknacker.openapi.enrichers level to DEBUG will turn on logging on all enrichers.

Enricher level logging can be enabled: