Scenario authoring
📄️ Introduction
Intended audience
📄️ Basic Components
Nodes work with data records. They can produce, fetch, send and collect data or organize the flow. Each node has at least two parameters: Name and Description. Name has to be unique in a scenario. Description is a narrative of your choice.
📄️ Streaming
This page covers topics specific to the Streaming processing mode. Please read the common introduction before proceeding. The components which implement aggregates in the time windows (Flink engine only) are covered here.
📄️ Request-Response
This page covers topics specific to the Request-Response processing mode. Please read
📄️ Aggregates in time windows
(Flink engine only)
📄️ Enrichers
📄️ Fragments
Fragments are a way to share processing logic - if many scenarios require identically configured chains of components, fragments provide a method to avoid repetition of these chains across multiple scenarios. Fragments are a design time concept; the logic of a fragment will be executed (included into the scenario and associated Flink job) as many times as there are references to the given fragment in the deployed scenarios.
📄️ Testing and Debugging
There are several features in Nussknacker designed specifically to ease testing and debugging; this page provides a brief explanation how to use them. This functionality is grouped in the Test panel; if you did not rearrange panels it is in the right part of the Designer canvas.
📄️ Tips and Tricks
📄️ SpEL Cheat Sheet
Expressions and types