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Version: 1.17

Binary package installation

Released versions are available at GitHub.

Please note, that while you can install Designer from .tgz with Lite engine configured, you still need configured Kubernetes cluster to actually run scenarios in this mode - we recommend using Helm installation for that mode.


While you can install Designer from .tgz and you want to use the Lite engine on production, you will need a configured Kubernetes cluster to have a production setup. Using Helm Installation is recommended in this case.


We assume that java (recommended version is JDK 11) is on PATH.

Please note that default environment variable configuration assumes that Flink, InfluxDB, Kafka and Schema registry are running on localhost with their default ports configured. See environment variables section for the details. Also, GRAFANA_URL is set to /grafana, which assumes that reverse proxy like NGINX is used to access both Designer and Grafana. For other setups you should change this value to absolute Grafana URL.

WORKING_DIR environment variable is used as base place where Nussknacker stores its data such as:

  • logs
  • embedded database files
  • scenario attachments

Startup script

We provide following scripts:

  • - to run in foreground, it's also suitable to use it for systemd service
  • - to run in background, we are using to store PID of running process

File structure

LocationUsage in configurationDescription
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/storageConfigured by STORAGE_DIR propertyLocation of HSQLDB database
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/logsLocation of logs
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/conf/application.confConfigured by CONFIG_FILE propertyLocation of Nussknacker configuration. Can be overwritten or used next to other custom configuration. See Configuration document for details
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/conf/logback.xmlConfigured by LOGBACK_FILE property in standalone setupLocation of logging configuration. Can be overwritten to specify other logger logging levels
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/conf/docker-logback.xmlConfigured by LOGBACK_FILE property in docker setupLocation of logging configuration. Can be overwritten to specify other logger logging levels
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/conf/users.confConfigured by AUTHENTICATION_USERS_FILE propertyLocation of Nussknacker Component Providers
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/model/defaultModel.jarUsed in MODEL_CLASS_PATH propertyJAR with generic model (base components library)
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/model/flinkExecutor.jarUsed in MODEL_CLASS_PATH propertyJAR with Flink executor, used by scenarios running on Flink
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/componentsCan be used in MODEL_CLASS_PATH propertyDirectory with Nussknacker Component Provider JARS
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/libDirectory with Nussknacker base libraries
$NUSSKNACKER_DIR/managersDirectory with Nussknacker Deployment Managers


We use Logback for logging configuration. By default, the logs are placed in ${NUSSKNACKER_DIR}/logs, with sensible rollover configuration.
Please remember that these are logs of Nussknacker Designer, to see/configure logs of other components (e.g. Flink) please consult their documentation.

Systemd service

You can set up Nussknacker as a systemd service using our example unit file.

  1. Download distribution from GitHub
  2. Unzip it to /opt/nussknacker
  3. sudo touch /lib/systemd/system/nussknacker.service
  4. edit /lib/systemd/system/nussknacker.service file and add write content of Systemd unit file
  5. sudo systemctl daemon-reload
  6. sudo systemctl enable nussknacker.service
  7. sudo systemctl start nussknacker.service

You can check Nussknacker logs with sudo journalctl -u nussknacker.service command.

Sample systemd-unit-file







Configuring the Designer with Nginx-http-public-path

Sample nginx proxy configuration serving Nussknacker Designer UI under specified my-custom-path path. It assumes Nussknacker itself is available under http://designer:8080 Don't forget to specify HTTP_PUBLIC_PATH=/my-custom-path environment variable in Nussknacker Designer.

http {
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://designer:8080;
location /my-custom-path/ {
rewrite ^/my-custom-path/?(.*) /$1;