Nussknacker at Current

Where low-code fits in your Kafka architecture

If you think low-code tools can make your life in the streaming world easier, we definitely agree!

Configuring all those data pipelines easily is great. But why does it have to stop there?

If you have business logic based on data streams, and you probably have a lot, can you hand it over to domain experts?

We think you can, but what do you think? Have you tried it? Or maybe you don't see a point in it? Tell us about it at Current!


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How Nussknacker can

  • run all marketing communication for companies with millions of customers
  • execute monitoring and maintenance in Industrial IoT
  • help you build a dynamic pricing system without vendor lock-in
  • prompt next best action in real-time client service 
  • make inventory management system tailored to actual requirements 
  • help your company build a domain-specific product
  • reduce development cycles on stream data to minutes
  • turn domain experts into citizen developers in stream processing


How Nussknacker

  • can be adapted to your use-case (stateful or stateless processing) with its two stream processing engines
  • combines event streams with other data sources and enrichments 
  • moves away from streaming SQL and works with visual and SpEL 
  • is easy to deploy when you already have Kafka 

Do you run data processing algorithms?

We will show you how much work Nussknacker would save you

Quick intro to Nussknacker


Subject Matter Experts create scenarios by using drag and drop components.

The advanced mechanism provides them with contextual expression suggestions, autocompletion, and validation

With a click of a button, scenarios are deployed for execution.

They can be changed and redeployed anytime there’s a need


Nussknacker was built to be part of event-driven architecture.

It uses Kafka for input streams of data and output streams of decisions. Nussknacker can enrich input streams with data from databases and OpenAPI endpoints.

Nussknacker has two runtime engines.

Lightweight, Kubernetes-based, straightforward to set up and maintain. And Flink-based for advanced streaming use cases, when aggregations are needed.

A visual tool for subject-matter experts

No need to engage developers to code business logic

Read the white paper

"Low-code for the business
Where it fits in your architecture"



It’s a sound idea to enable business users to create or modify applications faster and at the same time relieve IT from mundane, repetitive tasks.

However, not every enterprise application should be developed by business users. And it’s not only a matter of the current low-code tools’ maturity. More sophisticated systems require features that are best designed and implemented by engineers.

It doesn’t mean, though, that there is no place for low-code tools in more complicated enterprise applications. We believe there is.
