Scenario authoring
📄️ Introduction
Intended audience
📄️ Basic Components
Nodes work with data records. They can produce, fetch, send and collect data or organize the flow. Each node has at least two parameters: Name and Description. Name has to be unique in a scenario. Description is a narrative of your choice.
📄️ Streaming
This page covers topics specific to the Streaming processing mode. Please read the common introduction
📄️ Request-Response
This page covers topics specific to the Request-Response processing mode. Please read
📄️ Aggregates in time windows
(Flink engine only)
📄️ Enrichers
📄️ Fragments
Fragments are a way to share processing logic - if many scenarios require identically configured chains of components, fragments provide a method to avoid repetition of these chains across multiple scenarios. Fragments are a design time concept; the logic of a fragment will be executed (included into the scenario and associated Flink job) as many times as there are references to the given fragment in the deployed scenarios.
📄️ Testing and Debugging
There are several features in Nussknacker designed specifically to ease testing and debugging; this page provides a brief explanation how to use them. This functionality is grouped in the Test panel; if you did not rearrange panels it is in the right part of the Designer canvas.
📄️ Tips and Tricks
📄️ SpEL Cheat Sheet
Expressions and types